
Hooray for new volunteers :)

November 30, 2021

by Bianca Hernandez, Community Engagement Specialist

As winter is approaching, we have big news - we have new advocates at MCRCC. Hooray! And this cohort is one of the biggest ones we’ve had in awhile. We are so lucky to announce that we have 20 new volunteers ready to serve survivors in Monterey County! 

These amazing volunteers have been giving us their time since September when they began their training to become certified Sexual Assault Counselors. These spectacular volunteers have attended 47 hours worth of training with in-depth information, presentations from....

Thank you for paying it forward!

November 10, 2021

by Bianca Hernandez, Community Engagement Specialist


This year during September and October, MCRCC was lucky enough to be one of Coastal Roots Hospitality’s recipients for their Pick It Up-Pay It Forward campaign. This meant community members were able to order takeout from two magnificent Central Coast restaurants: Rio Grill in Carmel and Tarpy’s Roadhouse in Monterey.

10% of the proceeds from take-home orders at both restaurants went directly to support MCRCC, for a total of $15,007! 

Those generous donations from the restaurants will support advocacy....

Neighborly support: Thank you, Necklace Fairy!

April 27, 2021

     The "Necklace Fairy" (who wishes to remain anonymous) has been crafting and donating necklaces for the sexual assault survivors we meet at forensic interviews and exams.

As one can imagine, these interviews and exams can be lengthy and hard to go through. Staff at the Child Advocacy Center have shared, "The necklaces are awesome! At the end of a difficult interview as a survivor is getting ready to leave, they are able to decide if they want one to take home. When survivors see the necklaces it is something that brightens their day and adds a smile to their face."


Stop Asian Hate.


We stand in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in Georgia and everywhere.

We are horrified by the surge in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the past year. We are also horrified by the racist and misogynist motivations expressed by the shooter who murdered Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Delaina Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Yong Ae Yue, and Suncha Kim earlier this week. 

At MCRCC, we know that gender and racial justice are foundational in realizing a future free of all types of violence. We will continue to....

Our response to events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021

January 7, 2021

Yesterday, rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building. Their intent was to disrupt the joint session of Congress as lawmakers counted the electoral votes to confirm Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President in the 2020 Presidential Election. 

Rioters inflicted fear, intimidation, and chaos as our lawmakers attempted to go about their work affirming the election results. Images depicting rioters carrying a Confederate battle flag (a symbol of racialized hate, oppression, and violence against black, brown, and indigenous Americans) into the U.S. Capitol....

A statement from our new Executive Director, Lauren DaSilva

January 1, 2021

Pictured: MCRCC's new Executive Director Lauren DaSilva (left) with Clare Mounteer (right)


MCRCC’s fearless Executive Director of 34 years, Clare Mounteer, leads by the example of her abundant compassion, dependability, understanding, flexibility, skill, and steadfast commitment to survivors of sexual violence; and it is with a heavy heart and much joy for her that MCRCC Staff wish her an absolutely amazing retirement in the new year. For the last seven years, Clare has been my boss, mentor, and thought partner in all things from choosing where to have our annual....

Leadership Change at MCRCC

posted on November 25, 2020

Clare Mounteer, Executive Director 


I have some news to share.

After almost 34 years, I am planning to retire as Executive Director at the end of the year.

Over the years people have sometimes asked me how I could work so long at an agency that deals with the subject of sexual violence.  “It must be so depressing...traumatic...uncomfortable...” they say. While there are certainly days that are challenging, the word that mostly comes to my mind is - inspiring. 

I am truly inspired daily by the commitment and dedication of the staff; the....

Thankful for Theta Alpha Sigma!


November 20, 2020

We are forever grateful to have a group of such empowered young women in our corner! 

We asked Sidney Dutcher, the Beta Chapter President of Theta Alpha Sigma Sorority, to tell us more about the group's philanthropy. This is what she said:

"Our organization is Theta Alpha Sigma Sorority, and we are from CSU, Monterey Bay. Our philanthropy is women’s issues with a focus on domestic violence and sexual assault. We work hard to bring awareness about these issues to our campus and our community. We do this through social media posts, events, and working with....

This is why I volunteer

Nov. 9, 2020


I was inspired to volunteer with Monterey County Rape Crisis Center and become a certified advocate because of my own experience with sexual assault in college.



After I was assaulted, I was fortunate enough to be directed by my university's health center to our resource center for survivors, where I received information on reporting as well as counseling. This counseling literally saved my life and allowed me to finish my college education. 


When I moved back to my hometown of Salinas after I graduated, it occurred to me that people outside of....

Tips for Kids During SIP Halloween

Halloween has quickly approached us and it’s normally such an exciting time. However, with coronavirus cases still on the rise a lot of families are unsure as to whether they will continue traditional Halloween festivities, such as trick-or-treating; if not celebrating, what are the alternatives? Well, MCRCC’s Child Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP) is here to offer some suggestions!  Now, this isn’t a one-size fits all solution, so just pick and choose things you think would be best for you and your family and add your own twist! We have some suggestions for alternatives to traditional....