November 30, 2021

by Bianca Hernandez, Community Engagement Specialist

As winter is approaching, we have big news - we have new advocates at MCRCC. Hooray! And this cohort is one of the biggest ones we’ve had in awhile. We are so lucky to announce that we have 20 new volunteers ready to serve survivors in Monterey County! 

These amazing volunteers have been giving us their time since September when they began their training to become certified Sexual Assault Counselors. These spectacular volunteers have attended 47 hours worth of training with in-depth information, presentations from community partners and MCRCC staff, learned about community resources, participated in role play scenarios and gained trauma-informed crisis support skills. These 20 new advocates will support survivors on the helpline, accompany survivors to forensic medical exams and represent our agency at various community events. 


We asked our new volunteers why they decided to volunteer with MCRCC and this is what some of them had to say:

“My passion for helping people and the Together with Love run.”- Advocate


“I feel like we all have roles in a community. I am a Spanish speaker and I have noticed how my community often is very reserved about this and silences survivors sometimes. It is so tragic, and we need to work together to make this subside.”- Advocate 


“My Life club in high school.” - Advocate


“Wanting a career in advocacy and this organization shares my ideals.”- Advocate


“Having been a survivor myself, I know how important my support system was in my healing process.”- Advocate


“I want to assist survivors in their healing process. I want them to feel heard; validation is an important factor in healing that advocates can provide.” - Advocate


We are so lucky to have 20 new volunteers ready to go out into the community and make a difference. Thank you so much, from all of us here at the MCRCC, we are very grateful!