
Show up for survivors of abuse on #GivingTuesdayNow

  #GivingTuesdayNow is global, and it’s on May 5, 2020. Add it to your calendar now!

We’re asking YOU to show up for survivors. On #GivingTuesdayNow, your acts of kindness count.

During these times, we are turning to you, our wonderful supporters, to keep us afloat.

We recently received news that one of our major annual fundraising events, Automobilia, has been canceled for 2020. It’s been our tradition for the past 17 years to run the admissions and silent auction at Automobilia during Car Week each summer. Each year we raise at least $10,000 from a combination of entrance fees....

I Believe You

April 23, 2020

by Diana Valle, MCRCC Advocate

Click to view "I Believe You" video message to survivors

I just moved to Monterey from San Diego 8 months ago, after I graduated from my Master's program and I acquired my very first professional job at CSU Monterey Bay.

While in grad school, I worked for UC San Diego's campus sexual assault resource center. They have a campaign where they promote the phrase, "Violence does not equal love in any language." They make promo materials, like buttons, with the phrase written in various languages. During outreach events, it felt wonderful....

When screen time happens: Virtual read-aloud options

   April 21, 2020

by Erin Ortiz, Community Engagement Specialist

Here’s a picture of my five year old daughter reading a book. I absolutely love when this happens. 

However, when I’m trying to get things done and she is just not feeling this way, or like doing anything creative or independent, I am not against letting her have some screen time. Sometimes I put on a kid movie or show. Sometimes it’s a kid game she can play on my phone (bonus points if it’s educational!)  These days, while so many of us are at home and trying to work (paid or unpaid) while simultaneously caring for our....

For children's sake


April 16, 2020

by Erin Ortiz, Community Engagement Specialist

It is up to us to protect our community's most vulnerable ones. While we shelter in place during this year’s Child Abuse Prevention Month (April), this message from Family and Children’s Services is an important reminder:

“Children already at risk for abuse and neglect are particularly vulnerable during shelter in place. With local schools and child care centers closed, the trusted adults that children usually come in contact with are not able to interact with these vulnerable children as they normally would. 


First online book club meeting for Trauma Stewardship

April 13, 2020

by Lauren DaSilva, Deputy Director

Click here for an earlier post which provides an introduction to Trauma Stewardship.

We all arrive at this work because it is important to us personally. We ourselves may be survivors of sexual violence or someone we care deeply about is a survivor. We may feel acutely aware the role sexism plays in our society; and how sexism impacts our own lives and choices. We might experience an intrinsic motivation to somehow improve our communities. This work is not just work: it is personal; at times, it is political; and it can often be an....

Painting Monterey County Teal!


April 8, 2020

by Robyn Guzik, Community Engagement Specialist

As we complete the first week of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM,) as an agency we could not be prouder of the creativity of staff and advocates in participating in the 30 Days of SAAM Instagram challenge. 

As you can see, several staff members and a furry friend participated in Teal Day! Our social media feed was definitely painted teal! 

In between the 30 Days of SAAM Instagram, several blog posts have gone live on our website, including:

"It's okay to not be okay." by Paola Martinez, Crisis Intervention....

It's okay to not be okay.

   April 7, 2020

by Paola Martinez, Crisis Intervention Services Director

Dear Friends,

These past few weeks have been emotionally challenging. Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the reality, gravity and the effects of this pandemic. Chances are you have experienced many changes in a very short amount time, whether it’s the inability to leave your home, loss of employment, not being able to spend time with the people you love, the closure of schools, having to work remotely from home while trying to balance the duties of being a caregiver and the list can go on and on. This....

Seeing an old friend in a new way (SAAM)

   April 6, 2020

by Carl Mucha, Prevention Educator

Right now the world is facing a lot of challenges. Things are changing so quickly, it's easy to understand if people feel their world is being turned upside down and that they have so little control. People are losing jobs, families have lost loved ones, people could be feeling alone and all people, to some degree, are feeling scared.  Interesting enough, those are but a minutiae portion of feelings some people experience as a result of being sexually assaulted. I say this not to compare the two as equal, only to point out that both....

Bright In Blue with the Prevention Team!

   April 2, 2020

by Diana Beltran, Prevention Educator 

The month of April has arrived, and with it, the time to raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention (CAP). The way that we plan to engage Monterey County is by providing outreach and support for parents, caregivers, and guardians. We are transitioning a project we had planned called Bright in Blue. This project involves promoting positive relationships between caregivers and youth and promoting a positive self-image for young people. 


Caregivers are encouraged to sit down with the young person in their lives and....

SAAM is here!

April 1, 2020

by Robyn Guzik, Community Engagement Specialist

In the U.S., April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goals of SAAM are to increase public awareness about sexual violence and to educate communities on how to prevent it (NSVRC, 2020). 

For many staff members who are on the Community Engagement team, April is also the month we look forward to the most! It has been such a joy to try and paint the county TEAL with all of our SAAM efforts. 

For the last several years, MCRCC has partnered up with various community agencies, businesses and schools to increase....