
A Reflection on Sexual Assault Awareness Month in our Prevention Clubs


May 18, 2018

Written by Devan Haddad, Prevention Educator


Recipe for a successful Sexual Assault Awareness Month:

  • 2,500 teal ribbons
  • 5 yards of denim fabric
  • 6 Monterey County High Schools
  • 1 clothesline display
  • 257 teal flags
  • And a whole lot of teen social justice warriors!

Combine ingredients and voilà - you’ve got yourself one amazing SAAM!

Okay, maybe there are a few additional key ingredients needed, but you get where we’re going with this!

As has been done in the past, we held Flag Day at each of the schools this April. We know that in the....

3 Ways to Respond Positively & Effectively to Disclosures of Sexual Violence

Originally published on our blog on April 11, 2018. Taken from an article written by Corrina Zandakis, our CSUMB Campus Advocate


1 in 2 women and 1 in 6 men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. Many will never report their assault to anyone. For those that do decide to share, the person they first tell is most often a friend or other trusted person.


That first experience of sharing what has happened can be one of the most important moments in a survivor’s healing process. If a survivor has a positive first experience in disclosing, they will be more....

The Advocate: May 2018 Newsletter

In our May newsletter, meet some exceptional volunteers, see our photos and read our stories from SAAM! 

Click here to view the newsletter online.

Advocate Spotlight

April 27, 2018

Our volunteer Advocates do a whole lot, and we are thankful for each and every one of them. In honor of Volunteer Appreciation Week, which happened recently, we would like to shine a spotlight on two truly exceptional MCRCC Advocates.

Meet Stephanie Wisler (pictured left) - Advocate since November 2016

(MCRCC) Tell us about yourself:

(Stephanie) I grew up in Corralitos, near Watsonville, and graduated from Aptos High. I graduated from CSU, Chico with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice. I worked with the Monterey County Probation Department for 6 years as a Deputy....

Ag Joins the Fight Against Human Trafficking

April 2018

Written by Deborah Pembrook, Outreach Advocate

Everyone has a part to play in ending human trafficking. And as a community that is driven by agriculture, growers and other agricultural business can be a part of the solution. As the growing season takes off, MCRCC is providing human trafficking training, in English and Spanish, to agricultural businesses and organizations like the Growers Shippers Association of Central California to help educate these businesses to identify and respond to human trafficking. 

The following article ran in the Spring issue of Farm Focus, the....

The Advocate - April 2018 Newsletter

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention Month. Read about it and get involved!

Click here to view the newsletter online.

Our thoughts on the Carmel Mayor's actions

March 22, 2018

In December 2017, Kim Stemler, Executive Director of the Monterey County Vintners and Growers Association, met with Carmel City Officials to address the inappropriate and sexualized comments Carmel City Mayor Steve Dallas made to and about her. The Monterey County Rape Crisis Center (MCRCC) supports Kim Stemler and her right to do her job without being sexualized and harassed by anyone. Ms. Stemler is right – she should not have to put up with this. No one should.

After a three-month long investigation, Carmel City Attorney Glen Mozingo stated: “While his [Dallas’]....

Reflections on Women's History Month 2018

March 2018

This Women’s History Month, we celebrate the progress we’ve made while recognizing there is much more work to be done.

What a year it has been.  Although organizations like ours have been loud and clear about the impact of sexual violence for decades, we are heartened that more and more people are speaking out.

Individuals and organizations are taking a stand and calling for tangible action.  The “Me Too” movement, which was created over ten years ago by activist Tarana Burke, became the #MeToo hashtag and took on a life of its own in October of 2017. Space has been made....

The Advocate - March 2018 Newsletter

Read about our newest staff, Together with Love results and photos, and view our volunteering PSA video!

Click here to view the newsletter online.