April 25, 2022

Hey, everyone, it’s great to meet you! My name is Rita A. Mora and I am the Human Trafficking Outreach Specialist for MCRCC. I’d like to introduce myself to my community. I’ve worked with the agency in different positions for almost 3 years now (since 2019). I’m a daughter of immigrants whose passion is to make ripples in my community that will, in time, become great waves of change in the world. 

In March 2021, my wonderful colleague, Deborah Pembrook, announced to us that she would be moving on from her role at MCRCC to assume a position with another wonderful nonprofit organization that fights against, and strives to put an end to, human trafficking. As Deborah’s position became vacant, I began to realize how attentive I had become about spreading education and awareness about human trafficking, and how passionate I am to continue the fight against human trafficking in my community and, eventually in the world. In coming to this realization, I decided to apply for the Human Trafficking Outreach Specialist position with support from Deborah and other colleagues. It is an honor to be able to serve my community by spreading awareness, providing training, giving formal presentations, and serving survivors of human trafficking. I am excited to spread awareness and to collaborate with other agencies that hold the same mission to prevent violence.