
Standard Reporting Options

To report sexual assault or child abuse, you may contact law enforcement directly at 911.

For assistance in reporting sexual assault or child abuse in person or over the phone, call one of MCRCC’s 24-hour helplines at (831) 375-HELP (4357) or (831) 424-HELP (4357). Once the call to the police is placed, a uniformed police officer will meet with you and take a report. You have the right to have an advocate with you during the interview procedure. Upon request, a Sexual Assault Counselor is able to accompany you to the police department.

You may also report to any medical professional including at the emergency room of a hospital. If you report to a medical professional, they will contact the police department in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred. 

The Abbreviated Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE)

The abbreviated Sexual Assault Forensic Examination is an option for survivors who wish to have a medical examination, evidence collection, and have access to necessary medication in the aftermath of a sexual assault without reporting to law enforcement. The abbreviated exam reporting option is for survivors over the age of 18 who do not want to report to law enforcement. Sexual Assault Counselors are able to accompany survivors to abbreviated exams at both Natividad Medical Center and Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).

Evidence collected during the abbreviated exam is stored anonymously at the police department in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred. Police departments are required to keep the evidence collected during Abbreviated exams for three years (varies depending on county, but Monterey County is 3 years). Survivors can file a police report anytime during those three years and the evidence collected during the abbreviated exam will be included in the investigation.

Abbreviated exams are free to survivors.

To find out more about this option, call MCRCC’s 24-hour helplines at (831) 375-HELP (4357) or (831) 424-HELP (4357).

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) and Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE)

The Sexual Assault Response Team is a multi-disciplinary team that brings together Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs), Sexual Assault Counselors, law enforcement, and the District Attorney’s Office to respond collaboratively to reports of sexual assault and child sexual abuse. The SART comes together when a survivor of sexual assault reports to law enforcement and wants a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination. This approach is intended to reduce trauma and increase support for survivors in receiving important medical care and evidence collection for the prosecution of sexual violence.

The SAFE is an option for survivors who wish to have a medical examination, evidence collection, and have access to necessary medication in the aftermath of a sexual assault after reporting to law enforcement. Sexual Assault Counselors are able to accompany survivors to SAFEs at both Natividad Medical Center and Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).

SAFEs are free to survivors.

Child Abuse Response Team (CART)

The Child Abuse Response Team (CART) is a multi-disciplinary team that brings together Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs), Sexual Assault Counselors, law enforcement, the Department of Family and Children’s Services, and the District Attorney’s Office to respond collaboratively to reports of child abuse. The CART comes together when there is suspected child abuse or when a child discloses abuse. This approach is intended to reduce trauma and increase support for survivors in receiving important medical care and evidence collection for the prosecution of sexual violence.

Sexual Assault Counselors are able to accompany survivors to Child Abuse Forensic Interviews and Exams at Natividad Medical Center’s Bates Eldridge Child Advocacy Center.

Child Abuse Forensic Interviews and Exams are free to survivors.