March 18, 2020

by Erin Ortiz, Community Engagement Specialist

Crisis intervention - it’s our specialty.

At Monterey County Rape Crisis Center, our staff and volunteers are highly trained to support people in times of crisis. Advocacy is our thing and we do it well. We are there every day for people who are seeking resources and healing. 

However much we’d aspire to be, none of us are superhuman. Even if we know a thing or two about crisis intervention. The recent and rapid unfolding of events related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken us by surprise, along with the rest of the world. Still, we stand strong for our community and clients. Sheltering-in-place and COVID-19 obstacles mean we have to think outside the box and adjust the way we deliver services for the time being. We are all in this together.

Now more than ever, people are craving connection; to come together and support each other, even if it must be done from a distance. Folks everywhere are checking in on their neighbors and vulnerable people. It is fundamental that we all feel safe and secure during this unusual and uncertain time. 

Our family of staff members is switching mostly to remote work for now; connecting multiple times a day via web conference meetings. This helps us coordinate services, scheduling, and provide one another with the essential support and camaraderie that is commonplace in our office settings. Our therapists are using a secure platform to provide counseling sessions online for clients. Our intimate knowledge of trauma-informed care helps us stay present for one another so that we can best support our clients and community. Self-care opportunities and a supportive team are crucial to maintaining quality services. As they say, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first.

If one thing’s for sure, it’s this: MCRCC staff members and volunteers are well prepared to continue supporting our clients and the greater community. We are not going anywhere.

For more details about how our services are being adjusted, click here. Reach out if you need help. Our crisis line is available 24 hours a day at: (831) 375-HELP. 

Stay healthy, folks.

Stay connected! Our blog will be updated frequently so that we can stay in touch with our supporters and the community during this difficult time. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.