January 4, 2022

Our Prevention team (clockwise from top left: Jessica Short, Lydia Turke, Nicole Irigoyen, and Diana Beltran).


Our Prevention team has been busy since school has started back in-person this fall! We hired two new educators to the team who have already been so active in our community.

Our elementary educator, Jessica, has made it to 81 different classrooms at 15 different schools in Monterey County and has talked to students about a variety of topics such as personal boundaries, mental health, internet safety, and safety at home. She has presented to nearly 1,800 students in total and provided one-on-one follow up to 283 students. 

Our high school educators, Lydia and Diana, have hosted "Our Voice" clubs on 6 different high school campuses in Monterey County where they talk about a variety of topics pertaining to safe and healthy relationships, self-care, as well as personal safety and boundaries. These clubs vary in size however; our educator Diana is currently hosting our largest club that regularly has 70+ members in attendance! Lydia has also been busy with her 3 clubs and additionally with leading a 4 part series on LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education which was incredibly popular and successful. 

Our Prevention Program Director, Nicole, who has onboarded two brand new educators and trained one in a new role, has additionally been providing education to teachers and administrators on Title IX Policies and trauma-informed practices throughout Monterey County high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. 

Our busy team is so thankful for one another's support and proud of this important work that is taking place all over Monterey County.