July 9, 2018

Written by Deborah Pembrook, Outreach Advocate

Sometimes all it takes is a poster to tell a human trafficking survivor that help is available. But posters won’t help unless they are posted where the survivor will see them.

Monterey County District Attorney's Office is conducting a Community Day of Action where volunteers will fan out throughout the community to ensure that SB 1193 posters are in place.

SB 1193 posters are named after a California bill that passed in 2012 that required certain businesses to display information about human trafficking in the most commonly spoken languages in a county. Our county’s posters are in English, Spanish, and Tagalog and have been designed for our community by the DA’s office. The poster tells human trafficking survivors where they can find help, including the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 1-888-373-7888.

The following businesses are mandated to hang these posters in a visible location:

Bars or “general public premises licenses under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act”

Adult or sexually oriented businesses

Primary Airports

Bus Stations

Truck Stops - a privately owned and operated facility that provides food, fuel, shower or other sanitary facilities, and lawful overnight truck parking

Emergency rooms with general acute care hospitals

Urgent care centers

Farm labor contractors

Roadside rest areas

Businesses or establishments that offer massage or bodywork


The District Attorney’s office has already painstakingly combed through public records to identify every business that falls under these categories and placed them in a Map which anyone can use at Map1193.com. The map website will be a fantastic aid during the Day of Action or for any concerned citizen. The posters are provided to businesses free of charge and mandated businesses who don’t display the poster can face hefty fees.

Congratulations to the Monterey County District Attorney’s office for making it so easy for businesses to comply with this law and for ensuring that survivors who see these posters will know that help is available.

Monterey County Rape Crisis Center has been proud to partner with the District Attorney's office on this project, by assisting with printing and assisting with the Day of Action.