(pictured above: our Spring 2018 Advocate cohort)

May 6, 2020

by Amber Wasson, Crisis Intervention Services Manager

I would like to take this opportunity to brag about our amazing volunteer Advocates.  These selfless individuals continue to give of themselves and stay involved with MCRCC by supporting survivors during this unprecedented time. They have continued to hold help line shifts and be available to respond to forensic exams. I am awed by them and their willingness to give especially during a time that has been daunting for many. 

In the first few weeks of the shelter in place order it seemed information was changing daily, if not hourly, and as our agency was working diligently to stay up to date and adapting our protocols they stood with us. While many of us were going through challenges, they reached out asking to take more shifts or inquiring how they could do more to help. 

Realizing that our Advocates, who were so willing to give of themselves, may also need support, we amped up our program. We buddied each advocate with a staff member with the goal of a weekly check in to address any needs and offering support. We also set up an informal weekly meeting where all staff and advocates could join to share about what is happening in their lives and stay connected with each other. In a hope to maintain some form of normalcy, we have maintained an online version of monthly continuing education meetings. 

One of the most exciting accomplishments with the volunteer program is graduating our Spring 2020 cohort of new advocates. The newest volunteers were nearly halfway through training when our county started shutting down. We are extremely appreciative of them staying with us and on Tuesday, May 5, we welcomed 10 new Advocates to our MCRCC family!