March 31, 2020

Avoiding public spaces can reduce the spread of viruses, but for many adult and child sexual violence survivors, staying home isn't safe. In order to protect all people, survivors cannot be forgotten.

The COVID-19 stimulus package leaves out critical resources and policy changes specific for sexual assault programs like ours.  We need your help to make sure funding is included in future relief packages discussed by the federal government.  

We need to contact our California Members of Congress and our two US Senators to make sure they know to prioritize services to sexual assault survivors during this crisis. 

If you’d like, you can use the following script from CALCASA to guide you when calling your Member of Congress and the offices of Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris: 

"Hello, my name is [NAME] calling from [COUNTY].  Right now, it's critical that survivors of sexual assault are not abandoned. Rape crisis centers need additional funding to make sure to address the needs of survivors during the COVID-19 crisis.  

Our local rape crisis center is continuing to provide virtual accompaniments, counseling, and crisis line calls. The House of Representatives version of Coronavirus stimulus package included hundreds of millions of dollars for the Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP). We are concerned to see that was not included in the final legislation, and want to stress how important it is that the needs of rape crisis centers and sexual assault survivors be considered.

Can we count on you to support additional funding to these critical programs?  We need the attention and help of our legislators to make sure survivors of sexual violence aren't left behind.  Thank you very much."

Call our US Senators' Washington DC Office, as well as their California office that is closest to your location:


Washington DC Office: (202) 224-3841

San Francisco Office: (415) 393-0707

Los Angeles Office: (310) 914-7300

San Diego Office: (619) 231-9712

Fresno Office: (559) 485-7430


Washington DC Office: (202) 224 - 3553

Sacramento Office: (916) 448 - 2787

San Francisco Office: (415) 981 - 9369

Los Angeles Office: (310) 231 - 4494

San Diego Office: (619) 239 - 3884

Fresno Office: (559) 497 - 5109

To find your US Congressional Representative, follow this link:

Thank you for being a supporter and advocating for survivors!